Friday, April 11, 2008

16 weeks

we had a prenatal check up yesterday.

it was not a great day we were really sad to begin with and it was just tumultuous from there

Our Dr office was flled with very pregnant women (DUH OB's office) and a hand full of newborns we also there GRR! so we waited in the outer lobby. ONce we got in to the exam room Dr. D had a hard time finding the baby's heart beat with the doppler. can you say nerve wracking? so we went across the hall for a quick sono to check for a flicker. filcker was there and we discoverd that baby's placenta is anterior (across the front of my uterus) and acting like a sound barrier and the baby was belly down with it's feet/legs tucked under like a frog.

so i am gald i did not spend the money on a doppler form home because i think i would be driving my self nuts trying to find the baby's heartbeat each day.

so i have been warned that the baby's kicks might not feel as strong as they did with lucy, but lucy placenta was also anterior but higher i think if i remember correctly... so now i worry that watson won;t be able to feel the baby kick.

Next sono in a few weeks and next appt in may.

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