Sunday, December 23, 2007

a sad christmas at my house

4 negitive home pregnacy tests and one very sad, angry and bitter women is sitting in front of her keyboard right now with so much hurt.

Friday, November 30, 2007

November HPT

6 test 6 big fat we wait for Dec....maybe we will get another pregnancy for Christmas that will result in another August baby next year...

Monday, October 15, 2007

The 2nd test

I told watson over the weekend about the first test.

this morning i took the 2nd test and it came back NOT pregnant.

this makes me sad very sad. i was hopping we would be pregnant.

I will have this confirmed at my next OB visit, but i am not sure the outcome will be different.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Test

So it has been 1 month, 1 week, 6 days since I had Lucy.
Watson & I are trying to get pregnant again. Or more accurately we aren't taking any precautions to prevent pregnancy. We are hoping that we will be pregnant again soon.

I took the 1st Post Lucy Pregnancy test this morning after he left for work. i got a faint positive. I will test agian in few days to confirm, might even need to get fancy blood test version done.

I am going to wait to tell watson until after i know more positively that i am Pregnant. I think it would be really painful to get his hopes up if we are not pregnant.

I also purchased some books for us today that deal with the issues that arise during Subsequent Pregnancy After Loss (SPAL) I hope that they will help me through the rough patches as we press forward.