Saturday, September 20, 2008

Week one recap (part two)

Sunday Sept 13: our first visitors at home, Dash's p'rents came over to meet OSD.

Monday Sept 14: forgot to say went to the pediatrician per hospital Attending Pediatrician orders. OSD weighed 6 lbs 12 oz and measured 19.75" not bad. also he has jaundice... photo therapy for you little boy.

Wednesday Sept 17: eat sleep poop repeat, dad and OSD took a walking the courtyard. 

Thursday Sept 18:
  Dad to work and OSD & i had a day planned. took the bus to our Docs office cause momma forgot to have some forms completed the day she gave birth (silly me!) meet all my fans,
this is just a few if my gals!
OSD got held by about 30 different women... and didn't cry once!  we also delivered brownies that nana baked that morning at the request of mom to the High risk clinic, the regular OB clinic and to Labor & delivery. then we went to the WIC office for our 1st newborn appt. and momma got a very nice electric double breast pump from WIC & Medela because she is exclusively breast feeding. (OSD is a champ! he has a great latch and has since about 10 minutes after he was born. if you are PG and considering BFing i suggest skin to skin ASAP afterbirth to help with latch on.) when we got home Nana had left for a few days and it was just the 4 of us Dad, momma OL & OSD. chillaxin and soaking it all in. 
Dad read me my first book.  OSD slept through the night that night. 

that wraps up the first week.

OSD has his own blog now here.

I will be journaling for him there. if you want to be a reader email me or just comment and i'll add you. if you are a village member you can already view.

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