Friday, May 30, 2008

22wks 5 days

Yesterday we had a check up everything is going well. sitll not in the mood to post a pic yet not sure why... maybe soon.

in 3 weeks we go back for Fetal echo-cardiogram, another Pre-natal check and a glaucous challenge (#2 for me this Pregnancy) it will also most likely be our last Pre- natal check up wiht Dr. D because he is becoming a Chief Resident in July (yeah Dr. D) he still plans to deliver us, but he will not have OB clinic hours. :0( we knew this was coming... we are very happy for him but it is a little scary.

We choose our new OB Dr. H because:
  • he was there with us when we lost Lucy he was the attending OB on call that morning and was the one that told us and was about as caring as we could have hoped for.
  • when i spoke to him last ( early on in this PG i had a Q and called L&D he is always there it seems) i said will you take me as you patient when Dr. D can't see me anymore and he said of course!
  • he knows our case history and is willing to work with our nervousness
I will still Email/call Dr. D so if he thinks he is off the hook now not a chance! he has been told he will be delivering us --unless we pop really early in august in which case i'll let him off the hook because he is getting married and on honeymoon so i guess that is a good excuse.

the baby is moving a lot more now, and by grocers standards is about the size of a spaghetti squash. if you ever wondered why poppyseed, it is because wats and i knew really early on that we were Pregers with little monster baby. i was barley 4.5wks (that is a gestational age of aprox 2.5 wks it is embryonic thousands of cells but very tiny) and the little email we get each week told us the baby was the size of a poppyseed and the name stuck.

so here we are 22wk almost 23 wk (i actually lost count weird huh) in a week the baby will be come what is medically know as a "viable" gestational age-- why does this matter you ask, it matters because now if something goes wrong instead of "nature" taking it's course they will intervene at all costs to save the baby. but this monster is going to stick it out at least 14 more weeks then we'll talk (right baby?!? i am still the boss of you so, you stay put! you got it!)

not much else going on... i weigh a ton (give or take 832lbs) and maybe in a week i'll make a baby pool for those of you that want to guess length, weight and gender. but only if you behave and only if you haven't peeked at the envelope on the fridge!

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