Friday, February 29, 2008

Chapter 2.2

If the first chapter of your life is your childhood, chapter 2: adulthood, Chapter 3: marriage, Chapter 4: Children

then we are chapter 4.3
but in the book of grief we are in

Chapter 2.2

This is the chapter where you have successfully gotten pregnant after a loss and are Figuratively holding your breath for 9 months while you beg and plead with the universe to not let it happen again.

You be come even more neurotic about your pregnancy and who you plan to tell when because you must preface it with the following:

We are NOT over our loss

Then quickly follow it up with

but we are pregnant again and very excited about the possibility of bringing home our baby this time around.

then you go through the usual list of suspect questions.
  • how far along are you?
  • when are you due?
  • have you been sick?
  • do you know what your are having?
  • are you happy?

But it seems that amongst the usual suspects those of us like me should also be prepared for a specialized section of question for subsequent pregnancy after loss. the "OMG i can't believe you asked that question or made that comment"

  • well it's about time!
  • thanks goodness now your life can get back to normal.
  • well what does the doctor say?
  • will this one live?
  • are you ready for this?
  • well now you'll get to be parents.
  • When i had my baby after... insert early miscarriage story told by random stranger
  • it's a good thing you have an angel watching over this pregnancy (really that makes a difference are you freaking SURE!)

we haven't gotten to many of these comments, Thanks to fact that we have told almost no one well ok that isn't exactly true we have told lots of people in our support groups and our online grief network. but in real life we haven't told many people. it is getting harder for me to hide my belly so now i will need to tell people soon.

it has also been 6 months since we lost lucy and we are sure we are going to start to get the move on vibes from folks for sure now.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

NY State: Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirth bill

If you live in NYS and i have your email you may have gotten this from me already if not here you go! a call to action from our home to yours. please support this Bill.

From the MISS foundation

The Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirth bill is being considered by your New York State Senate and Assembly members right now.

The bill is moving quickly in both the Senate and Assembly.

Your representatives get to decide:

  • Do parents who gave birth to a stillborn child deserve recognition of the birth process?

They need to hear from you. They need to understand why this is so important to you -- as a mother, father or family member -- one who has suffered the tragedy of a stillborn child.

Write, call or email your Senator and Assembly member today (sample letter below). Forward this email to family, friends & coworkers and ask them to contact their representatives.

Who is your Senator?

Find your Senator

Who is your Assembly member?
Find your Assembly member

Contact them now. Ask them to support the Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirth Bill.

Then, Please forward this email to everyone you know. Ask them for their help.

Your representatives need to hear from you. They want to hear from you on this issue.

Thank you.

[sample letter]

Name of Representative
Legislative Office Building
Albany, NY 12248

Re: Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirth Bill

Dear _____:

I am writing to ask for your support of the Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirth Bill (Hyer-Spencer). This legislation would allow parents whose children are stillborn the option to receive a Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirth to acknowledge the birth process.

Your support of this legislation will send a message of hope and compassion to bereaved parents who suffer the devastation of a stillbirth.

[Include personal story, if you choose to]

Nearly 30,000 babies are stillborn in the US every year, making it the leading cause of infant death. In half of all cases there is no medically discernible reason, causing many to liken it
to an intrauterine SIDS. In fact, stillbirth kills more than eight times as many babies as SIDS every year.

Approximately 2,000 babies are stillborn in New York State annually, and for every stillborn a minimum of 10-20 people are affected. Thus, this issue impacts 20,000 - 50,000 individuals
every year in New York State.

These certificates will bring much needed attention to this issue and may be instrumental in uncovering stillbirth's mysteries, thereby saving precious lives.

You have the opportunity to enact legislation that has the potential to save lives and has zero cost implications.

Your community trust you to represent it. I urge your enthusiastic support of the Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirth bill and will be following it closely.


Address & Phone

Monday, February 18, 2008

oh what a day

on valentines day we had our first prenatal check up and our first official sonogram for the poppy seed.
this is at 7w5d.