and am i not even going to pretend i have the time to recreate each and every one of them.
so blogger you suck for eating my blog and here is a recap of the last 3 years
Danger is Awesome he turned 1 then i went "to work" as a Breastfeeding Peer Couselor and then i became a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC) then Danger turned 2 and somewhere along the way we got pregnant again. I didn't tell anyone until i was almost 24 wks and i must have been looking might funny thinking i could hide the giant belly and puke face i was sporting the whole time. She was born in march, her name is Opal she is also crazy awesome.
For father's day we went to see the Ohmies i even shared a coupon code, pictures, and review it was AWESOME and everyone should check them out. it's too bad Blogger eat that post because it was supper funny and i even got to poke fun at my brilliant but sometimes dim comic partner in life...
Watson: oh.. i get it..
Me: you get what
W: You know i didn't get this was a show with yoga in it...i now get the "Ohm" thing.
M: you didn't get that they were teaching a sun salutation?
W: Nope
M: it's a good thing you get paid to act dumb, silly and look pretty.
Lucy would have turned 4 this year and instead of going to the cemetery we spent the day hunkered down bracing for a hurricane. I joined up with some co-worked to bring back bereavement support at work and it started back up this summer. I worked hard (along with many others) to lobby NY State legislators to pass the Certificate of Stillbirth Bill and we succeeded in doing so as of last Friday.
Danger turned 3, Opal started Solids and we just got back from a Ringling Clown reunion and i still miss my girl Lucy,
there now you are all caught up.