Tuesday, July 29, 2008

31w3d Shut up this is soo awesome!

I am only posting one Picture today because this is wicked awesome.

Fingers of hand near nose , nose and the creases of the nostrils & closed eyes mouth open... and Shut up the baby was smiling. maybe not in this sono but i was at one point smiling.

we also saw a foot today that looked HUGE! but what do we know about big feet. prenatal re-cap: amnio date is bouncing around some which makes me nervous. baby had it's growth take and it is 4lbs 2 oz. I weigh the same as 1 cubic foot of limestone (if you aren't a measurement maniac that is 172lbs!)

AS for the GD- it still sucks but i am doing well on the diet as boring as it is i am managing.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

one amazing set of pictures

a few weeks back i went to TX for a few days. watson was away bidding farewell and speedy journey to his grandma. So off i went to TX at the very last minute to get some love from my nieces A, E & C, blog manic SIL Holly and my bother Joey gifted with mad crazy photog skills.

Sunday was 7/6/08 was Watsy's Birthday and my bra'da offered to take some pictures which have become watson Birthday gift.
(Coincidentally 7/6 is also J&H's anniversary, H has let me borrow my brother 2x in the last year on days that were really important to her. AUG 31 of last year my brother was her in NY helping us bid farewell an speedy journey to our precious girl Lucy, it was H's birthday she was in TX with her girls... i'll never forget that she gave us such a wonderful gift by letting J be here and understanding that her brthday would always have special significance in our lives.)

here you go.. a sneak peek at 172 lbs of glorious Prego me featuring poppyseed.
massive hair a gift from back to back pregnancies

A popular little hand signal amogst us mom's baking rainbows.

Watson "loves" this face a make when i am getting my picture taken.i am so glad joey was able to capture it with such a softness.
ME and the girls
JDD and me
I love this next picture poor E just wanted to be done taking pictures... and this was one of my favs.

this is actually a candid. but i have to tell you it is one of my favorites. this is A niece #1 beautiful, intelligent, and very very loving and sweet.

i don't have an actual picture of it but at one point everyone had theri hand o my belly because PS was moving around and everyone wanted to get a piece of the action... so in my mind that is a great Picture you have to use your imagination. ok stop slacking and get back to work!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

29wk 3d, & 30w 3d

OK so looking at you... 29wk 3 days
i put that picture next to a picture of lucy and they have them same cheeks and chin...

now 30w3d profile
poppy looked like it was eating when this pic was taken. good baby!
that is all... back to work!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

update: 30wk 4 days

we had a huge scare last week 7/14 and it kept me from posting... the baby had gotten it's self into a very comfy breech position and i could not feel it moving for about 5 hours.

I went to L&D for a BPP and NST.

meanwhile W was away at camp and it kicked both of our anxieties into over drive.

so Tuesday 7/15 at my appt i asked if i could go away Dr. H said go be where he is it will help. and it did.
i spent the rest of the week with W in CT at camp. i did some swimming and pottery and visiting. i managed to catch a summer cold... YUCK.

yesterday we had our regular appts.
baby is doing fine... growing and moving i haven't gained any weight in 3 wks now so if you are keeping count... i am still holding fast @ 172 lbs.

i will post pictures another day the bed is calling my name.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

28 w 3d, gestational Diabetes

so.. here is the baby for the week.

looking at you.. this was really amazing while our sonographer was trying to get this picture it was like the baby was smiling and looking right at us.

this is profile a little hard to make out but you can see an eye, nose and mouth, again the knee is near the nose... must be a circus performer...
 so the crap news is a failed my GD tests.  i had a feeling since the early day that something was off with my sugar this Pregnancy, i have been craving sugar way more than i normally do. 

so now i am on a restricted carb and calorie diet ( a word that should never be associated with pregnancy as far as i am concerned) and doing finger sticks 4 times a day.  the worst of it is that it is like day 3 and i feel hungry all the time, and my sugar number seem either low to me or high to me nothing seems to really match my goal numbers.  but i am not a DR and i have never had to deal with this before.

anyway i am trying to finesse my meal plan and see if i can hit my goals better.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

27w3d & great grandmothers

today we are 27 weeks 3 days.

the Poppy is breech at the moment or at least it was this morning. look poppy can kiss it's knees...we saw the poppy practice breathing today. chest raise and fall. opening and closing the mouth. good work baby!

Watson found out just afterward that his grandmother died during the night last night. in her 80's she had lived a long life, but there are just no words to explain what he must be feeling at the moment.