Monday, October 15, 2007

The 2nd test

I told watson over the weekend about the first test.

this morning i took the 2nd test and it came back NOT pregnant.

this makes me sad very sad. i was hopping we would be pregnant.

I will have this confirmed at my next OB visit, but i am not sure the outcome will be different.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Test

So it has been 1 month, 1 week, 6 days since I had Lucy.
Watson & I are trying to get pregnant again. Or more accurately we aren't taking any precautions to prevent pregnancy. We are hoping that we will be pregnant again soon.

I took the 1st Post Lucy Pregnancy test this morning after he left for work. i got a faint positive. I will test agian in few days to confirm, might even need to get fancy blood test version done.

I am going to wait to tell watson until after i know more positively that i am Pregnant. I think it would be really painful to get his hopes up if we are not pregnant.

I also purchased some books for us today that deal with the issues that arise during Subsequent Pregnancy After Loss (SPAL) I hope that they will help me through the rough patches as we press forward.